Linksys, A division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Product: WRT54GS v.4 Classification: Firmware Release History Firmware Date: 4/12/2006 Release Date: 4/25/2006 Last Firmware Version: 1.06.1 _____________________________________________________________________ Firmware 1.06.1 - Resolves issue with UPnP security reported through SANE Firmware 1.05.6 - Resolves issue with L2TP Internet connection - Resolves issue where users can choose shared key authentication with WPA - Resolves issue where long push of SES button does not reset settings - Resolves issue where DMZ doesn't work if Port forwarding is enabled - Resolves security vulnerabilities reported by iDefense - Resolves issue where SES cannot be disabled - Resolves issue where service name is not available for PPPoE - Resolves issue with detecting UHP modems - Resolves issue where DynDNS Custom and Static accounts cannot be used - Resolves issue with WEP passphrase not recognizing spaces Firmware 1.05.2 - Fix WDS under WPA mode issue - Fixed issue where user can choose "Shared Key" under WPA-Personal and WPA-Enterprise. - Fixed issue where long SES push generates new SSID and key instead of reset to defaults - Fix iDEFENSE issue - Add SES disable function in "Wireless Advanced" page - Fixed SES LED delay - Fixed issue where SES SSID/security is applied even when there is no SES clients - Fix L2TP disconnect issue - Fix DMZ and Port forwarding issue Firmware 1.05 - Initial release for version 4. NOTE: This firmware is not compatible with WRT54GS hardware version 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1 or 3.0. Please check the bottom of your router to ensure you have the correct hardware version.